Personality Coaching

Personality Coaching with Dr. Shannon
Book a one-on-one session with Dr. Shannon Sauer-Zavala to gain personalized, science-backed strategies to align your personality traits with your goals
What is Personality Coaching?
Have you ever thought “I can’t do [insert activity] because I’m not [insert characteristic] enough? Most people think that you’re stuck with the personality you’re born with, so you might as well make the best of it. But, science tells us that traits change over time and that we can speed up this process by taking intentional action. Instead of letting a personality test put you in a box, you can purposely enhance or develop the traits that will bring you closer to your personal and professional goals.
Personalized, science-backed strategies to align your personality traits with your goals
In our Personality Coaching session, we start by getting clarity on how your personality may support or hinder your journey toward your personal and professional goals. You will use “Personality Compass,” a science-based assessment tool to understand your starting point (your personality it its current state) on the only five traits shown to predict success on the life outcomes that matter to us.
Then, in a one-on-on session (50-minutes), Dr. Sauer-Zavala will provide guidance and tools (e.g., a downloadable planner) on how to nudge your traits in the direction that will support your personal development and career growth goals. Strategies include catching and challenging self-limiting beliefs about who you are and what you can do, as well as creating a concrete plan to change and maintain behaviors that align with your desired traits.
Just One Personality Coaching Session Will Help You:
- Understand the strengths and drawbacks of the your current personality traits
- Chart a course of self-development that begins at your personalized starting point (your current traits)
- Bust the myth that your personality is set in stone, leaving you feeling empowered
- Provide you with science-supported strategies that Dr. Shannon has tested in clinical trials!
"The strategies Shannon suggested were not only insightful but also simple to understand and implement."
I highly recommend Dr. Shannon for 1-on-1 coaching or speaking engagements. Her expertise and ability to convey actionable strategies make her an invaluable resource for anyone looking to achieve personal or professional growth.
Meet Dr. Shannon
‘m Shannon – an author, speaker, clinical psychologist, & scientific researcher. I specialize in helping people make intentional shifts to their personality traits to improve career performance, relationships, and mental health.
My research confirms what I saw in my own development and in my patients: People can intentionally shape the traits they need to be successful in the lives they want
Watching my own personality change over time from messy and lazy to off the charts in conscientiousness motivated me to study the principles of trait change in my academic research. I’ve received millions of dollars in research support from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) to develop strategies to nudge personality.
I offer Personality Coaching to help people identify their starting point on their trait change journey, along with providing scientifically proven strategies to nudge their traits.
Personality Coaching with Dr. Shannon
Map out a customized plan for personal growth that brings your personality traits in alignment with your goals

- Scientifically Valid Personality Test & Personalized Score Report (Value $59.00)
- Downloadable Tool to Develop Your Personality Change Plan (Value $59.95)
- One-on-One Session with Dr. Shannon (Value $300.00)
Yours for $297.00
What people are saying
Award-winning Business and Executive Coach helping entrepreneurs and business professionals elevate and authentically amplify their personal brand to attract ideal clients and unlock new opportunities with ease. I recently had the pleasure of taking Dr. Shannon's personality assessment, and I was thoroughly impressed by the depth of insights it provided. The strategies Shannon suggested were not only insightful but also simple to understand and implement. Dr. Shannon's work was so impressive that I invited her to be one of the experts in my group coaching program. Her session was resounding success, as she effectively taught our members how to intentionally cultivate traits that bring them closer to their bigger vision and goals. I highly recommend Dr. Shannon for 1-on-1 coaching or speaking engagements. Her expertise and ability to convey actionable strategies make her an invaluable resource for anyone looking to achieve personal or professional growth.
I took it and I liked that it included both strengths and weaknesses with certain traits. So many personality assessments come from a weakness perspective versus a strengths one.
Hey! I took your personality test and I really appreciated the examples of how to make my traits work for me... and what to consider working on. Looking forward to putting this into practice starting this week.
Love that this test was developed by a scientist who studies personality!
I felt like Personality Compass was really fun and I feel like the report spoke to me like a friend!
Izabela Kvesic