Why You Should Be Your Own Valentine


Rethinking Valentine’s Day: It’s Not Just About Romance Valentine’s Day is often framed as a celebration of romantic love—grand gestures, candlelit dinners, and perfectly curated moments. But for many women, this holiday feels like just another reminder of expectations—what love is supposed to look like, what relationships should be, and what we’re missing if we don’t […]

Breaking the “Good Girl” Cycle

How perfection is Sabotaging Your Potential If you grew up being praised for being a “good girl”—polite, hardworking, responsible—it probably felt like a compliment. You did what was expected, met (and exceeded) standards, and became someone people could rely on. But somewhere along the way, that identity started to feel more like a trap than a […]

Winter Blues or Something More

Woman standing on the Brooklyn Bridge in a snowstorm

It starts subtly. The days get shorter, the temperature drops, and suddenly, everything feels a little harder. If you’ve noticed a dip in your energy or mood this winter, you’re not alone. Many women experience changes in their mental health during this time of year. But when does the “winter blues” cross into something more […]

The Myth of Work-Life Balance

If you’re anything like me, the phrase “work-life balance” can feel like an impossible goalpost. It’s this alluring idea we’re all sold: If we just organize better, try harder, or wake up earlier, we’ll finally find that perfect equilibrium between thriving at work; raising happy, healthy kids; maintaining a loving relationship; staying fit; and having […]

Burnout Recovery: How to Recharge Without Guilt

Burnout. It’s that dreaded combination of exhaustion, overwhelm, and detachment that creeps in when you’re trying to do everything for everyone. And if you’re like me—a high-achieving, people-pleasing woman—it can feel impossible to admit when you’re burned out, let alone take a step back to recover. The good news is that burnout isn’t permanent. With […]

The Problem with Personality Testing

The Problem with Personality Testing

Why Most Personality Tests Don’t Really Know You – Here’s What Science Has to Say Have you ever taken a personality test that presented you with your “true self”? Maybe it labeled you a “Mediator,” a “Commander,” or an “Advocate.” These titles can feel so validating, right? They tell us we’re unique in some oddly […]

Personality Change is Possible

Personality Change is Possible

Have you ever taken an online personality quiz? What about a career aptitude test in high school or a strengths assessment at work (e.g., Myers Briggs Type Indicators)? These are examples of using personality tests to promote “staying in your lane.” But what if personality was not etched in stone? What if, instead of playing […]

Who Do You Want to Be?

How Do Values Relate to Goals

Every moment of every day, whether you realize it or not, you decide where to direct your energy. Values are how you want to spend this time: What you want to do with your life and who you want to be. Unlike goals that can be checked off a list, values represent the direction you want to be headed. […]

What Personality Is and Is Not

What Personality Is and Is Not

According to psychologists, personality is your characteristic way of thinking, feeling and behaving. Are you a person who tends to think about situations in your life more pessimistically, or are you a glass-half-full kind of person? Do you tend to get angry when someone cuts you off in traffic, or are you more likely to […]

I’m a Clinical Psychologist – Here’s How I’m Coping With Election Anxiety

I’m a Clinical Psychologist

If you aren’t living under a rock, you’re probably aware that the 2024 presidential election is in full swing. The uncertainty surrounding the is outcome is likely to stir up anxiety for many Americans. Regardless of your side of the political aisle, you’re likely to find yourself glued to your browser or TV, watching results […]

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I am interested in better understanding my personality and meeting with Dr. Shannon for 1-2 coaching sessions to help align my traits with my personal and professional goals
I’m an interested in a course of therapy to address difficulties that are interfering with my quality of life.