BPD Compass: Introductory Workshop

BPD webinar

Friday December 6, 2024
2-5PM Eastern

REgister Here

BPD Compass: Introductory Workshop

PDF Copy of PAtient Workbook INCLUDED

Always free for Students

You will still have to put in a CC # but the bill will be $0
and your card won’t be charged


Register Here!

Sign up today

This workshop is only offered twice a year

We’re busy running clinical trials to ensure that BPD Compass is the best it can be. That means that we can only offer this workshop about twice a year. Do considering signing up!

How Can We Help?

I’m interested in one-on-one support (therapy/coaching)

I’m a mental health professional interested in continuing education

I’m interested in booking Shannon for a speaking engagement

I’m a journalist interested in interviewing Shannon for an interview?

I’m reaching out on behalf of a clinic or organization

Or send me a message (scroll to contact form at the bottom of the page)

I am interested in better understanding my personality and meeting with Dr. Shannon for 1-2 coaching sessions to help align my traits with my personal and professional goals
I’m an interested in a course of therapy to address difficulties that are interfering with my quality of life.